Latest news

  • Care homes welcome single visitors

    Slough Borough Council is calling on people to be patient and stick to the guidelines, as care homes begin to allow single visitors for their residents.

    Published: 8 March 2021

    Stock photo  for Care homes - people holding hands
  • Planning for covid safe elections

    “It will be safe to vote” is the message from Slough Borough Council as they lay out their plans for covid-secure elections.

    Published: 1 March 2021

    A ballot box
  • Restaurant fined after food hygiene breaches

    A restaurant and takeaway has been fined by magistrates for food hygiene breaches after an investigation was launched when a customer reported becoming ill from eating their food.

    Published: 25 February 2021

    Food safety team prosecution
  • Rapid testing programme extended

    Slough’s covid rapid testing programme is being extended until the end of March with more testing centres with longer opening hours the council has announced today (19 February 2021).

    Published: 19 February 2021

    Rapid testing stock image
  • Landlord ordered to pay back proceeds of crime

    A landlord who built unlawful extensions to a family home and squeezed up to 14 people into the rooms has forfeited the rent he was paid in a planning enforcement prosecution.

    Published: 17 February 2021

  • Takeaway boss sentenced for filthy premises

    A chicken takeaway where congealed fat was found in a drain gully, raw and cooked food were stored together and mould was growing around sinks, has been fined by magistrates for food hygiene regulatio

    Published: 12 February 2021

    filthy takeaway
  • Census 2021 for Slough

    The once-a-decade national census survey will be conducted on Sunday March 21 this year.

    Published: 8 February 2021

  • Slough's two new hotels open

    A double-decker hotel in the heart of Slough opened its doors on Monday (1 February) a UK first for the parent hotel chain and the council.

    Published: 2 February 2021

    Marriott Residence Inn
  • Flood warning for Colnbrook

    A flood warning has been issued by the Environment Agency for the Colne Brook in Colnbrook and residents are being advised to take immediate action.

    Published: 29 January 2021
