Libraries throughout Slough will have altered opening hours or self-serve provision only throughout August and beyond.
Some libraries will be shut completely on certain days.
The tough decision to provide a short-term reduced service is a result of a high number of staff vacancies and some staff sickness.
Up until now, the existing library team, with support from others in the council, have managed to operate as normal, but this cannot continue.
The full list of ad-hoc August changes is below. A September rota is currently in progress.
- Wednesday 17 August – Britwell staffed 1.30-5pm and self-serve from 9am-1.30pm. Langley closed. Curve and Cippenham open.
- Thursday 18 August – Britwell self-serve only, 9am-5pm. Curve, Cippenham and Langley open.
- Friday 19 August- Britwell self-serve only, 9am-5pm. Cippenham closed. Curve and Langley open.
- Monday 22 August – Britwell staffed 1.30-5pm and self-serve from 9am-1.30pm. Langley closed. Curve and Cippenham open.
- Thursday 25 August – Britwell self-serve only, 9am-5pm. Langley closed. Curve and Cippenham open.
- Friday 26 August – Britwell self-serve only, 9am-5pm. Cippenham closed. Langley closed. Curve open
- Wednesday 31 August – Langley open 12noon-5pm, Britwell staffed 1.30-5pm and self-serve from 9am-1.30pm. Curve and Cippenham open.
On the days when it is self-serve only in Britwell, residents will be able to borrow, return and renew books through the self-serve kiosks. They can still book and use the public computers and print from them and use WiFi.
Instruction notices will be put up, which will also offer the contact numbers for other libraries open that day.
Liz McMillan, Locality Hubs and Library Services Manager, said: “We are really disappointed to have to make these changes, but the pressure on existing staff is too much. We have to make some temporary changes to the opening times and which libraries can remain open each day. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.”
Residents who had made appointments to see a customer adviser, on a day when the library will now be closed, will be contacted so other arrangements can be made.