Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School has been awarded a Bronze active travel accreditation.
Slough Borough Council’s places & community team has been engaging with Slough schools on the Modeshift STARS travel plan tool and active travel activities.
Modeshift STARS is a comprehensive travel plan tool that assists schools in:
- creating, developing, and implementing travel plans
- monitoring and evaluating travel plans and the initiatives contained within them
- recognising and rewarding excellence in the promotion of sustainable and active travel
- schools are then awarded Green, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum accreditation.
Active travel is making journeys by physically active means, like walking or cycling/scooting, instead of using the car.
Schools have been taking part in a series of active travel initiatives and have taken snap shots of various activities as evidence of their participation.
Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School has been pro-active in creating a working group with teachers, staff, and pupils. They facilitated and uploaded two consultations, 10 travel initiatives and five supporting initiatives.
Jane Girle, Headteacher, Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School said: “Penn Wood School is committed to being an active school and are looking forward to working towards our silver accreditation in the autumn term.”
Councillor Christine Hulme, cabinet member for children’s services, lifelong learning & skills, said: “It is great to hear that one of our schools has been awarded this accreditation, as well as benefiting our school children’s health, it is of huge benefit to the environment also. Well done Penn Wood Primary for all your hard work on this award.”
We are working with a further twenty-seven schools in Slough to reach at least Bronze level accreditation by December 2022. If your school is interested in taking part in Modeshift STARS email