A survey to gather residents’ and users’ views about the e-scooter rental trial scheme has been extended until the end of August.
Slough introduced the e-scooter rental trial scheme in October 2020, with Neuron Mobility operating 300 dockless e-scooters.
The bright orange scooters can be used on the road, and in cycle and bus lanes; they have a maximum speed of 15mph and can be used by registered scheme members aged over 18 with a driving licence.
Councillor Mohammed Nazir, lead member for transport and the local environment, is urging everyone to have their say.
He said: “We’ve heard various opinions from residents during the period the e-scooters have been in Slough. We want to get a better understanding of residents' and users’ views on rental e-scooters, as well as the benefits people experience when they use them.
“We need these views to be made official so they can be taken into consideration for the future of the scheme.”
The invitation to run a trial e-scooter rental scheme, alongside other towns and cities, came from the Government, to gather data to help inform the future legal status of, and associated regulations for, e-scooters. It also enables them to understand the impacts and benefits of e-scooters and usage data and travel patterns.
The national e-scooter rental trial scheme began in July 2020 and was set to end this November.
However, the Government has since confirmed the existing e-scooter rental trial schemes can now run until May 2024.
A recommendation will be made in a report to Slough Borough Council’s Cabinet in November 2022 that the council continues with the e-scooter rental trial scheme until May 2024, and, if e-scooters are made fully legal by the Government, that the e-scooter rental scheme is kept.
This extension of the trial will allow the council to obtain further data to analyse the impact of the e-scooters.
At the end of the trial schemes in May 2024, the Government will make a formal decision on whether to fully legalise the use of e-scooters.
To help the council and the Government understand the impacts and benefits of e-scooters, please fill in the online survey, which is open until 11.59pm on Wednesday 31 August 2022.
It is currently illegal for privately owned e-scooters to be used on public roads and footways.
Neuron Mobility funded the infrastructure for the e-scooter rental trial in Slough and the scheme was brought in with no capital cost to the council.