Accessibility Statement
This accessibility statement applies to the including It does not apply to content on other subdomains off The ModernGov site, which gives council minutes, agendas, councillors, constitution etc is an example of a subdomain.
This website is run by Slough Borough Council. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For example, that means you should be able to:
- change colours, contrast levels and fonts
- zoom in up to 400% without the text spilling off the screen
- navigate most of the website using just a keyboard
- navigate most of the website using speech recognition software
- listen to most of the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver).
We’ve also made the website text as simple as possible to understand.
AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.
Where there are no accessibility statements for the sites we are liaising with the service or the supplier for one.
- Adult Social care Portal - Adult Social care Portal's accessibility statement.
- Citizen Portal – school admissions – Citizen Portal’s accessibility statement.
- ModernGov - council minutes, agendas, councillors, constitution etc.
- The Link - for education professionals in Slough - The Link’s accessibility statement.
Third-party sites funded, developed by or under our control
The following sub-sites are services based on a different technical platform but ‘skinned’ to look like this website or uses our logo to display it as ours. It includes links to their accessibility statement, where available. Where there are no accessibility statements for the sites we are liaising with the service or the supplier for one.
- Civica Citizen - council meetings videos etc - Civica Citizen’s accessibility statement.
- Civicaepay – online payments system – Civicaepay’s accessibility statement.
- Library Catalogue – portal to search for library books and manage library accounts - Library catalogue's accessibilty statement.
- My permit account – parking permits.
- Planning and Building Control online services.
- Planning application search portal - Planning application search portal's accessibility statement.
- Self Service citizen portal – portal to bills and payment information for council tax, business rate, housing benefits and landlords.
- Slough Borrow Box – ebook lending portal - Borrow Box’s Accessibility statement.
- Slough Community Directory - search for and discover health, wellbeing, and social activities and services in and around Slough (or virtual), all in one place - Slough Community Directory accessibility policy.
- Slough Citizen Space - consultation portal - Citizen Space accessibility policy.
- Slough Metastreet - licensing for rented property – Slough Metastreet’s accessibility statement.
- Slough Scanstation - scan paperwork or evidence for your blue badge, council tax or housing benefit and council tax support and it will link them to you and your address - Slough Scanstation's accessibility statement.
- STARS - our application tracking system - STARS's accessibility statement.
Sites, which use different technical platforms but are owned, funded, developed by or under the control of Slough Borough Council that this website may link to, include:
- A4 cycle route - have your say via Commonplace and A4 cycle route map - A4 cycle route Commonplace's accessibility statement.
- Book a registrar’s appointment to register your baby.
- Claim for Benefit.
- PCN/Parking fines.
- Slough History Online.
- Slough Information and Services Guide - Slough Information and Services Guide's accessibility statement.
- Slough maps (Spectrum Spatial) - Slough maps (Spectrum Spatial) website's accessibility statement.
- Slough Safeguarding partnership - Slough Safeguarding partnership's accessibility statement.
- Slough SENDIASS - Slough SENDIASS's accessibility statement.
- Webenrol - Lifelong Learning classes - information and enrolment to community learning and skills courses - Webenrol - Lifelong Learning classes accessibility statement.
Other third-party sites we signpost to
We do not fund, develop or control these sites.
- Register a Food Business form - for mandatory registration of a food business in Slough - accessibility statement for Register a food business form.