How accessible this website is
We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible:
- some of our documents are not fully accessible to screen reader software
- documents created for print distribution, which are now available on this site may not be accessible due to font sizing and layout
- there is a 15-minute time limit on our online forms if there is no activity, which a user cannot turn off, adjust or extend
- when zooming into a page which has the Chatbot, the content presented within the Chatbot loses information and functionality
- without an email address a user will not be able to use the live chat feature within the Chatbot
- the “Back to top” link appears before the Chatbot, even though the Chatbot is at the bottom of the page
- our directory search error text is generic and doesn’t point to any relevant input
- the postcode field within our directories does not programmatically identify what its purpose is
- the form controls within directories do not appear sufficiently distinct from their surroundings
- once logged into My Account the interactive component distance isn’t far apart enough
- once logged into My Account some of the text contrast is not sufficient against its background
- we use Google maps within our site to assist our users. However, this free third-party site uses forms which does not define explicit text labels for each form control, it also does not have clear headers defined. The red pin image it uses does not give a text alternative.
In the non-accessible content section of this statement you will find a full list of any issues we know about.