What we are doing to improve accessibility
We have set up timelines to aim for:
- any documents which, between April 2022 and March 2023, had a unique page view of 500 or more are made accessible by the end of March 2024.
To improve accessibility we:
- monitor new content to make sure it meets the standards before it is published
- review existing pages when making updates to ensure they are compliant
- where possible publish information as web pages rather than PDF documents
- where possible convert forms that are documents to online forms
- provide guidance and training to teams within the council on creating accessible content and documents. To complement this, we are working on an (in-house) accessibility training video for staff
- are raising staff awareness on the importance of accessibility through:
- reminders in Newsround, our weekly email update to staff
- a link to the "creating accessible content training course" is on our website guidance page of the intranet as well as our talent management system, Cornerstone, for staff to access and learn from
- engage with 3rd-party suppliers to make sure their products that we use and any documents they produce for our website are accessible.