School Places Strategy
Slough’s School Place Strategy supports the ambition in our Five-Year Plan that:
Slough children will grow up to be happy, healthy and successful.
This strategy describes Slough’s proposals to make sure there are sufficient, suitable, high quality school places for every Slough child together with the principles that will be applied when expanding or contracting provision.
The strategy is underpinned by our commitment to promote educational excellence. The council wants all pupils to attend schools rated “Good” or “Outstanding” by Ofsted and to receive a high quality education that will prepare them well for the future.
We are proud that to date all schools expanded by Slough have received additional funding to not only provide new classrooms, but also to improve facilities which support improved teaching and learning.
The strategy includes Slough’s latest pupil projections an analysis of projected shortfalls (or surpluses) in school provision and a summary of actions for delivering the new places that are required.