Community Safety

Serious violence

Safer Slough Partnership's Serious Violence Strategy

The Serious Violence Duty requires relevant public services, such as the council and the police, to work together to prevent and reduce serious violence and to produce a strategy by 31 January 2024.

The Serious Violence Strategy outlines a multi-agency commitment to prevent people from becoming involved in, and reducing instances of, serious violence in Slough. It embeds the voices of lived experiences within our communities and focuses on short and long-term solutions to addressing needs.

Our vision in Slough is that we will: Work together to prevent all violence. We will change people’s attitude to violence, ensuring early signs of violent behaviour are recognised and responded to. We will deal robustly with violence when it has occurred.

Our strategy is based upon a prevention model, focussing on three key prevention priorities:

  • primary prevention – to prevent serious violence before it occurs by challenging the attitudes and behaviours which foster serious violence
  • secondary prevention – to develop prevention mechanisms that specifically target those at risk of either committing serious violence or being the victim of serious violence
  • tertiary prevention – to provide effective support for victims and interventions for those who have previously committed serious violence by reducing re-victimisation and reoffending.

Our Serious Violence Strategy in Slough is a working document.

Home Office Serious Violence Strategy

The national strategy sets out evidence and the trends and drivers of serious violent crime.

Thames Valley Violence Prevention Partnership

The Thames Valley Violence Prevention Partnership was established in 2019 and is funded by the Home Office. It has the aim to reduce the number of people affected by Serious Violence across the Thames Valley, working with the communities including Slough. Find out more about the Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit (TVPP).

Thames Valley Police Crime Plan

Police and Crime Commissioners are required by law to publish a Police and Crime Plan. It is a localised document that sets out the frontline and partnership work needed to cut crime and support victims, reflecting the priorities of local people.

Serious violence - related links

Community safety briefings

Community safety 7 minute briefings