Special educational needs, disability and mobility problems
Where a child with special education needs, a disability and/or mobility problems does not meet the other three eligibility criteria but has identified specific needs/circumstances that may mean it is unreasonable to expect the child to walk to school (accompanied by an adult as necessary), then an assessment based on their individual needs and circumstances will be undertaken.
In determining whether a child cannot reasonably be expected to walk between home and school, the Council will consider whether the child could reasonably be expected to walk if accompanied and, if so, whether the child’s parent or carer can reasonably be expected to accompany their child. The expectation is that a child will be accompanied by a parent or carer.
When assessing entitlement for travel assistance for a child with SEND or mobility problems, the Council will consider the individual needs of each child. This may include taking professional advice from educational psychologists, medical officers and teachers and consulting with parents and carers before arriving at a final decision.
Consideration will also be given to the child’s physical and medical requirements including any disabilities they may have. The findings and decision will be recorded on a travel assistance assessment form.
The following factors will be taken into consideration when assessing travel assistance entitlement:
- the age of the child
- the distance of the child from school to home
- whether the child is physically able to walk the journey to school
- whether the walking route is appropriate for the pupil and their specific needs and allows them to arrive in a fit state to be educated
- whether a child’s emotional and behavioural difficulties will create a clear health and safety hazard to themselves or others on the journey to school
- the SEND of the child
- the efficient utilisation of resources
- any other individual circumstance
This is not an exhaustive list. It is not presented in any particular order and is for guidance only. Meeting one or more of the criteria does not automatically entitle a child with SEND to travel assistance.
The fact that a child has an EHCP or attends a special school does not automatically entitle him or her to travel assistance.
Eligibility for travel assistance is related to the child’s needs. Assessment may take into account the need for travel assistance due to some family circumstances. Factors identified in an application will be considered when determining eligibility for home to school travel assistance and deciding on the type of travel assistance to be provided.
Other family circumstances, such as parents and carers attending work or looking after other children cannot be considered when determining eligibility.