Public rights of way

Changes to public rights of way

Changes to rights of way can arise from applications or requests made to the council from members of the public, landowners or path users, or from the council itself.

Permanent diversion and closure

The legislation used to divert or extinguish a public path depends on the reason for requesting the change. Most changes come about through public path orders made under the Highway Act 1980. Orders to divert or extinguish paths can also be made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to allow development to take place. Before making an order the council must be satisfied that a proposal meets all of the specified criteria.

Temporary diversion and closure

Public rights of way can be temporarily diverted or closed to enable works to be carried out on site and in the interests of public safety. A legal procedure needs to be followed and the maximum period for such temporary orders is six months. Extensions of this time period will need permission from the Secretary of State. For forms please email