Eat healthily
A healthy, balanced diet has the right number of calories for you. Eat a wide range of foods to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs.
- Base your meals on starchy carbohydrates.
- Eat lots of fruit and veg.
- Eat more fish – include a portion of oily fish.
- Cut down on saturated fat and sugar.
- Eat less salt – no more than 6g a day for adults.
- Get active.
- Don't get thirsty.
- Don't skip breakfast.
The Eatwell Guide shows how much of what we eat should come from each food group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet. You don’t need to get this balance with every meal. Try to get it right over a day or week.
Reduce sugar, saturated fat and salt intake
Common imbalances in our diet are the large amount of sugar, fat and salt we eat.
- Sugar: the facts (NHS website).
- NHS guide to reducing saturated fat.
- NHS guide to reducing salt.
- Download the Change4Life Be Food Smart app. You can scan the barcodes of products you eat and drink to find out how much of these they contain.
- Eat well NHS guide.
- How to eat a balanced diet NHS guide.
Healthy eating throughout life resources
- Have a healthy diet in pregnancy (NHS website).
- Sign up for Start4Life emails - for parents of children up to the age of 4 years.
- Slough's Children’s Centres give advice on how to introduce healthy foods to your babies and other support groups in Slough.
- Healthy Start Scheme - Pregnant women and children under four years old may be eligible for free fruit, vegetables, milk and vitamins. Apply for Healthy Start online or ask your Midwife or Health Visitor for more information.
Inspire your family to enjoy healthy meals and snacks.
- Grow and cook food.
- Learn more about where your food comes from.
If you’re keen to grow your own food, you might want to apply for an allotment in Slough.