Renting in the private sector

Your responsibilities

As a tenant, you must:

  • pay your rent on time. If you pay more than 14 days late, you may have to pay interest on the rent you owe. Your landlord cannot charge you late payment fees
  • pay your other bills, such as council tax, gas, electricity and water bills. If you pay for gas and electricity, you can choose your energy supplier for cheaper bills 
  • be a considerate neighbour
  • look after the property. You need your landlord’s permission to make any changes
  • not take in a lodger or sublet without your landlord’s permission
  • If you do not meet your responsibilities, your landlord could begin the eviction process.

When privately renting, you should:

  • reduce the risk of damp 
  • find out where the stopcock, fuse box and any meters are
  • test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Check these monthly
  • consider getting contents insurance. Your landlord’s insurance does not cover your belongings
  • register to vote.