Planning service pre–application scheme guidance

How to make a pre-application enquiry

The Pre-Application Advice Form is available to download from our website and details of the site and a written summary of the proposed development must be completed together with the necessary contact details.

Requests for advice should also be accompanied by the following aditional information:

  • site location plan at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 with the side outlined in red
  • information about the existing use of land or buildings and/or photographs of the site
  • site layout plan/block plan usually at a scale of 1:200 showing the proposed development including access, car parking and location of any existing features such as trees/planting.

The level of information you will provide will vary depending upon the nature of your proposal and how well advanced your scheme is. The level of advice that you will receive will be based on the level of information that you submit to us. The more information you can provide about your proposal the more comprehensive the advice you will receive.

However, for more comprehensive or ‘major’ development it would be appropriate to provide the following information (where relevant), such as:
Scaled floor plans and elevations and where possible it would be helpful if the drawings could also show adjacent buildings to identify the context of the scheme:

  • existing floor plans and elevations
  • photomontages and computer images (CGI’s)
  • design and access statement
  • heritage statement
  • tree survey
  • air quality assessment
  • sunlight / daylight assessment.

Once you have completed your application, email it to along with your supporting information. We will then review the application and advise you of the fee and how to pay.