The reasons to seek pre-application advice
The pre-application advice service offers you constructive and without prejudice advice on the likelihood of your proposal receiving planning permission. The pre- application advice aims to provide the following benefits:
- establish whether the 'principle of a particular development' is acceptable prior to submitting a formal planning application
- understand planning policy requirements and constraints (including the relevant planning history) that apply to your site
- avoid costly mistakes and saving time
- identify key planning issues or potential problems early on and to explore potential solutions
- find advice about how to improve your development proposal and to suggest amendments
- ensure that consultees are consulted and engaged from the outset of the process including identifying external consultation requirements
- find general advice on the necessary information (including technical reports) to accompany your planning application for validation purposes
- identify a case officer who will usually deal with both the pre-application advice and formal planning application
- find advice on expected planning obligations and financial contributions.