Spatial strategy consultation
The Slough Borough Council consulted people about the proposed Spatial Strategy which is part of the Local Plan for Slough, to gain views about where developments should go in the Borough in the period to 2036.
The consultation is now closed ran for 6 weeks from 9th November to 11 January 2021.
This consultation is now closed. Any views that were received during the consultation period will be taken into account when preparing the new Local Plan.
The Spatial Strategy is the first part of the Local Plan, it sets out how the Council propose to make this happen by 2036.
The strategy sets out how much developments there should be and "what could go where" in the most sustainable way. The strategy sets out:
- Future of the town centre
- Providing the housing our residents need
- Creating job opportunities
- Protecting the environment including open spaces
You can access the consultation documents and supporting documents directly using these links: