The new local plan for Slough

Proposed release of Green Belt sites for family housing consultation

Local Plan Consultation (Reg 18) on the proposed release of Green Belt sites for family housing

The Council wants your views on how we can guide new family housing needed by Slough residents to the best locations in the future. The consultation document considers ten sites in the Green Belt and their suitability for family housing. The principle of releasing Green Belt was referred to in the Spatial Strategy that was consulted on in November 2020.

The consultation documents and the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal can also be checked online at Slough Borough Council - Citizen Space and at libraries in the town and Colnbrook during their normal opening hours.

It will run from 5 November - 17 December 2021.

This notice is made under Regulation 18 and Regulation 35 of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended). “

For more information please go to the consultation hub: Slough Borough Council - Citizen Space.

For those who do not wish to respond online to the consultation questions within Citizen Space a pdf and word version of the questions are available below: