E-scooter trial

Key facts about the rental e-scooter scheme

Zipp Mobility is providing and managing the infrastructure for the Slough rental e-scooter trial scheme.

There will be up to 300 rental e-scooters in the borough and they will be distributed around the approved trial area. An initial spread of up to 60 bays throughout the trial area have been identified to optimise scooter availability and convenience. 

The Zipp scheme only allows the scooters to be parked in marked bays. This brings more control to the scheme and prevents street clutter associated with “free floating” schemes.

The bays will be clearly marked with a painted square on the ground and will be displayed on the Zipp app map.  Riders must end journeys within the designated bay to complete their trip. If the scooter is not in a designated bay, the journey cannot be completed, and the rider will continue to be charged until it goes to a bay.

Scheme details

  • Riders must be over 18 and in possession of a valid driving licence. They must verify their age and identity during sign-up. The Zipp team will monitor for misuse and maintains the fleet daily.
  • It is also acceptable to instead have an overseas full driving licence from an EU or EEA country. To check eligibility please refer to the government’s online eligibility checking tool.
  • Riders are advised to wear a helmet while operating the e-scooter. Zipp do not provide helmets except at their events but do recommend helmet use. There is currently no legal requirement for riders to wear a helmet.
  • Rented e-scooters have a maximum top speed of 15.5mph, in compliance with government regulations.
  • Zipp mobile e-scooters are yellow for visibility.
  • Third-party insurance for riders and pedestrians is provided by Zipp mobility.
  • E-scooters can only be used on the road and in cycle and bus lanes.
  • E-scooters are not permitted on pavements, playing fields and parks.
  • If taken in ‘No-Go Zones’, the e-scooter speed will automatically reduce and the e-scooter will eventually come to a stop due to the geofencing technology.