Technology Enabled Care

How Technology Enabled Care works and who it's for

Technology Enabled Care is available in two main forms: monitored and standalone.

Monitored devices

Monitored devices connect to a monitoring centre managed by Appello 24 hours a day. This gives constant support and responds to any alerts from the device. Appello's system operates independently from Adult Social Care services. Visit Apello’s website for more information about them.

Standalone devices

Standalone devices are managed by any of the service user’s assigned family members, friends, or carers. These devices assist with daily living tasks, such as: 

  • timed reminders for medication or
  • door exit sensors that notify the family member, friend, or carer when a person has entered or left through a specified door.

Who is Technology Enabled Care for

If you or a family member can relate to any of the following, telecare alarms and equipment may suit you.   

  • Elderly people who live alone.
  • People with dementia or mental health problems.
  • People at risk of falling, blackouts or with long term health conditions.
  • Victims of domestic violence.
  • Victims of anti-social behaviour and bogus callers.

This Technology Enabled Care leaflet gives details on the range of devices available.

How to apply

To find out if you qualify for this service and for an assessment of your needs, please contact Adult Social Care's First Contact team by: