Property licensing

Licensing fees

Mandatory HMO Licensing fees

Licences are granted for a maximum of 5 years but in some circumstances this may be shortened. For example, where the council has a history of enforcement or non-compliance against the landlord or agent.

There are two parts of the fees:

  • part A: £480. Please note, if the house has more than six bedrooms there is an additional charge of £32 per bedroom. This is charged from the seventh bedroom and does not apply to bedroom number one to six
  • part B: £320
  • total: £800 plus any additional charges in Part A.

Part A fee examples for a:

  • six-bedroom house will be £480
  • seven-bedroom house will be £480 + £32
  • eight-bedroom house will be £480 + £32 + £32.

Payment of fees

The fees are paid in two parts:

  • part A (processing and admin fees): taken when the application is initially submitted by the applicant
  • part B (enforcement fees): taken automatically when the draft licence is issued.

Please note, the licensing fees are non-refundable and licences are non-transferrable.