Purpose of licensing schemes
We are committed to make sure all residents have access to safe, good quality housing.
We license properties to:
- improve property standards and management
- help address anti-social behaviour (ASB) issues
- protect our residents from rogue landlords
- provide a light touch solution for landlords who meet the requirements and already provide good quality accommodation and service.
It is the responsibility of the person having control of a rented property in the borough to:
- establish whether or not they need a licence and;
- which licence they require
- display a copy of the licence in a prominent and accessible position within the property at all times.
Operating a property which is required to be licensed without a licence is an offence punishable by a Financial Penalty of up to £30,000 or an unlimited fine on conviction in a Magistrates Court.
As of 1 April 2019 Slough Borough Council stopped accepting paper applications. Applicants are required to make their application and pay the relevant fee via the online property licensing system.