Vehicle licence transfer application
If you wish to transfer your vehicle licence to someone else, please complete the following form;
Vehicle licence transfer – Slough Borough Council
You will need;
- A valid certificate of compliance
- A valid certificate of motor insurance
Make payment
The transfer fee is £90.
You will be prompted to make a payment once you have submitted your form. Payment must be made through our payments system:
You can pay for more than one licence in a single transaction.
Please keep a copy of your payment receipt number.
What happens now?
Applications will be checked and processed within 10 working days and posted to your home address.
Applicants will receive an automated email from licensing confirming the application has been submitted.
You must make a note of your application reference number and note the date you submitted the application.
Please quote your full name, licence number (if applicable) and application reference number on all correspondence relating to the application.
Incorrect or incomplete applications will be rejected.