Leaseholder charges

How to pay your leasehold charges

Be scam aware 

Council officers will not visit you on your doorstep to collect leasehold charges. 

If someone claims to be from the council, ask to check their ID and if you are unsure, close the door and do not let them in.

What you need to make your payment

  • Leasehold charge letter or notification where you will need: 
    • your 11 digit account number
    • the amount to be paid.
  • Your Debit or Credit Card details.

How to pay 

Pay online 

Leasehold charges are treated as a "council invoice". 

Use our online payments system to pay your leasehold charges.

Pay by Direct Debit  

You can choose to have your Direct Debit payments taken on the 1st, 8th,15th or 22nd of each month. 

There are two options to set up a Direct Debit: 

Automated telephone line

Please note, this is not a free phone number. Please check costs with your phone service provider.

Call 0300 456 0480 to make an automated telephone payment. When asked, enter your 11 digit account number on your phone keypad. Please take care when entering your account number as this is the reference used to allocate your payment to your leasehold charge account. You will then be asked to make your payment. Once the payment has been made you will get a reference number, please keep note of this. 

Pay through your bank 

To pay your leasehold charge, you can: 

  • call your bank to make a transfer or 
  • use online banking service. 

Our bank address is Lloyds Bank, 123 High Street, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1EH. Please use the following bank details: 

  • Account number: 00251708  
  • Sort Code: 30-97-73 

You must quote your 11 digit account number when making this transaction. 

Struggling to pay? 

If you are having financial difficulties, please seek advice with: