Claim housing benefit

What proof do I need?

Proof of National Insurance Number: (for new claims only) one item for each of you such as P45 or P60 for last employer, NINo Card, printed wage slips, letter from DWP/Job Centre, letter or tax code from Revenues and Customs, occupational pension slip.

  • Proof of identity: (for new claims only) in addition to one item from the list above, at least one further item for each of you such as up-to-date driving licence, passport, utility bill, bank statements. We can also accept birth or marriage certificates, divorce papers, medical card, residence permit, letter from Home Office, probation officer, solicitor, social worker or Revenues and Customs.
  • If you have a partner (same or opposite sex) we will need proof from them as well.
  • Proof of earnings: for each of you. Pay-slips MUST be consecutive i.e. 5 weekly pay-slips, or 3 fortnightly, or 2 monthly or a detailed letter from your employer, or a Certificate of Earnings.
  • Proof of self-employed earnings: Complete the online self-employed earnings form.and email the documents to for each of you e.g. most recent audited accounts or a completed self employed form and your bank statements. Quote your Housing Benefit claim reference number in the subject line. You can also upload your documents using ScanStation on your smartphone, tablet or computer.
  • Proof of benefits, pensions or allowances: for each of you e.g. current award letters from DWP or other pension provider.
  • Proof of any other income: including student grants/loans and bursary.
  • Proof of savings and investments: for each of you i.e. Bank, Building Society and Post Office account statements/pass-books for the last 2 months. For all other investments and capital, please provide certificates or other documentation.
  • Proof of rent: private tenants and Housing Association tenants only, please provide a current tenancy agreement or a letter from your landlord/agent or a fully completed and recently updated rent book/card. The document needs to confirm your rent and any service charges you pay, the date you moved in, and whether you are a joint tenant. It also needs to be signed by you and your landlord.
  • Proof of income, capital and savings for all non-dependants: these are the people entered in Section C on the claim form.
  • Proof of child benefit and any other income and/or savings for all Dependants: we also need to see proof of the child’s/children’s date of birth if the evidence supplied does not include this.
  • Proof of payments to a registered or approved childminder
  • Proof of payments to a pension scheme: except those you make through your employer as they will show on your pay-slips.
  • Proof of your student course with notification confirming how many guided learning hours you do

All proofs can be sent either by

  • using ScanStation on your smartphone, tablet or computer if you have a reference number starting with 100
  • email them to - attach scans and/or photographs. If you have one, please include the reference number starting with 100 in the subject line of your email.

If you require support in submitting documents you can make an appointment  and visit our access points.  A member of the Customer Service team will be able to assist.

Contact Benefits

Contact the benefits team