Tender values and procedures

OJEU tenders

European tendering financial thresholds

Slough Borough Council must advertise its tenders in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) where the expected value of the contract exceeds a certain figure.

Government guidance on threshold figures.

Tender procedure for over £50,000 to OJEU thresholds

The council's own Contract Standing Orders state that in cases where expenditure on works, services or supplies is anticipated to be more than £50,000 a formal tendering exercise will be undertaken. Where single works involve more than one contract, the estimated value of all contracts must be aggregated to decide whether the threshold is reached.

Request for quotation procedure for £5,000 to £49,999

In cases where expenditure on works, services or supplies is expected to be above £5,000 but under £50,000 a quotation exercise will be undertaken, inviting no less than three organisations (wherever possible) to bid.