Childcare Sufficiency Assessment

The Childcare Act 2006 places a duty on local authorities to carry out a Childcare Sufficiency Assessment every three years.

The assessment involves: 

  • measuring the demand for childcare
  • auditing the supply of childcare and then
  • using this information to identify any gaps in the provision of childcare.

Once the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment is completed, the local authority has a duty to make sure sufficient childcare is provided (as far as is reasonably practicable) for children aged 0 – 14 years (up to 18 years for disabled children), to meet the needs of all parents in Slough who require childcare to allow them to:

  • work
  • take-up work or
  • undertake training to assist them to obtain work.

The childcare offered by childcare providers should be affordable, flexible and of high quality.


If you would like to comment on the Sufficiency Assessment, please contact Slough Early Years Service on 01753 476554. To make an enquiry about childcare in Slough, please contact the Slough Family Information Service on 01753 476589 or