Workforce development

Workforce development funding

Funding for courses under the Qualification and Credit Framework

The Department of Health currently provide funding for a number of QCF Diplomas, Certificates and Awards in Health and Social Care subjects. One of the main criteria for receiving this funding is that your organisation is 90% compliant with the National Minimum Data Set (NMDS). Check: 

This is a fantastic opportunity for you, as employers, to access funding support for staff learning and development. All of you who submitted Workforce Plans for this funding should be able to claim the amounts you requested; plus the partnership should be able to increase membership and therefore benefit more local employers.

To find out how to join the Berkshire Partnership and start claiming, contact Liz Bailey: email:, Tel: 0118 9613714 / M: 079779 24354 / Fax: 0118 9613714