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You searched for "enforced school streets". Results 31 - 40 of about 941

  • Council jobs – Slough Borough Council

    Parking, roads and travel · Planning and building control · Public Health · Schools ... School vacancies · Icon: Apprenticeships Icon fallback: Apprenticeships.


    new development; management of on-street parking around new development; enforcement around schools and other significant trip attractors; footway parking ...

  • Minutes Template

    street traders, via the Slough website. Members asked a number of questions, including: Who would enforce the 50m cordon between street traders and schools. / ...

  • Minutes Template

    Mar 29, 2016 ... • All schools had enforcement of parking restrictions using a CCTV car. This was only applied to the zig zag lines directly by school gates and ...

  • Paper Petition Details

    regards to the inconsiderate parking of vehicles on Garrard Road around school pick up ... And finally, with regards to traffic enforcement officers, we can only ...