Children at particular risk of missing education
There are certain vulnerable groups who are more likely than others to become children missing education. They are:
- children living in domestic abuse refuges
- children of homeless families perhaps living in temporary accommodation
- children with long-term medical or emotional problems
- looked after children
- children with a Gypsy/Roma/Traveller background
- children from transient families
- children who are permanently excluded from school
- migrant children whether in families seeking asylum or economic migrants
- children moving out of independent schools/academies/free schools
- children whose parent(s) are in the Armed Forces
- young people who have committed offences
- young runaways
- young carers
- teenage mothers.
The council is committed to supporting children missing education by ensuring:
- all pupils who may be missing from Slough schools, including independent schools, academies and free schools, are located without delay
- support is given to other Local Authorities to locate missing children who may have moved into Slough
- make use of the DfE’s central School2School (s2s) database
- joint reasonable enquiries are made with schools and designated Local Authority staff to locate children who are missing from school as soon as possible
- all children living in Slough are in receipt of a suitable education in accordance with their age, ability, aptitude and any special educational needs they may have
- all children living in Slough are safeguarded and their welfare promoted.