SEND Local Area Inspection
Slough Borough Council, Frimley CCG and Slough Children First have renewed their commitment to children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) following the release of an Ofsted report on 17 November 2021. The report is highly critical of some of the SEND services in Slough stating an official Written Statement of Action (WSOA) is required following an inspection earlier this year.
Some of the main criticisms include a lack of joined-up working between the organisations, lack of collaboration with parents and families of SEND children, parents and carers not feeling understood, welcomed or helped, some schools not being welcoming of SEND children, high staff turnover, social care needs not being met and long waiting times to see an occupational therapist or receive an educational health and care plan (EHCP).
However other areas are singled out for praise including SEND services in Early Years, the mental health transformation programme, the support received from the SEND information, advice and support service (SENDIASS) and the ‘valiant efforts’ of individual members of staff.
Written statement of action (WSOA)
Following the Ofsted local are inspection the LA and CCG were instructed to write a WSOA to address areas of weakness.