How to make an in year school application

Applying for a school place

Completing the Application Form

Fill in the application form using Slough Citizen Portal. This must be completed by the parent or carer with parental responsibility for the child. You must list all the schools you wish to apply for.

The child’s current permanent residential address must be used on the application. The address of a relative or childminder, or where your child stays or sleeps because of special domestic arrangements or personal circumstances cannot be considered. Please note that you cannot use an address until you are permanently residing there and able to prove you have no connection with the previous address.

You should be aware that any revised school preferences submitted will take precedence over any previous preferences submitted on existing application; and where we are able to offer one of your revised preferences, it will cancel any previous offer made

What happens next?

We will notify you in writing of the outcome of your application within 10 school days. If we are unable to offer one of your preferred schools, we will offer a place at the nearest school to your home with a vacancy. We will also set out the reason for refusal of your school preference and provide you with information about your right to appeal if your application is refused.

We expect your child to take up the school place within 10 school days of the offer letter and you must contact the Admissions team if the start date is delayed.

The school place will not be kept open for your child if you do not respond and you will need to complete a new application form if you still want a new school.

The law on School Attendance

Your child must continue to attend their present school or be educated otherwise than at school until they start at another school.

Waiting Lists

If your application for a transfer to another school is not successful, your child’s name will stay on the waiting list for your preferred schools for that school year.
You will only be contacted again if we can offer you a place. Waiting lists will be maintained in line with the admissions criteria for the relevant admissions authority and places will be offered in strict accordance with this.

We automatically create a new waiting list at the beginning of each school year. If you want your child’s name to be placed on the new waiting list you must send in a new application form to Admissions in July.


If we are not able to offer one of your preferences, please be aware that you have a right to appeal to an independent appeals panel for every school where you have been refused.

You can only appeal for a school for which you have expressed a preference and have been refused. If you wish to appeal, it is a good idea to accept the place at the school you have been offered, as this will have no effect on the outcome of your appeal, and will prevent your child from missing out on a school altogether. The appeal panel’s decision is binding on the council and on parents/carers.

Academies, voluntary aided, trust and free schools are all responsible for their own appeals and you should contact these schools direct to discuss the process.

Providing the correct proof of address

All applications must be submitted with proof of address before they can be processed.

We will require the following proof before your child is admitted into school:

  1. Proof of where you (the parent / carer) live
  2. Proof that the child lives with you (the parent / carer)
  3. Proof of the child’s date of birth

Where there is any doubt about parental responsibility, we may also ask you to provide proof of parental responsibility.