Secondary transfer appeal information 2025
Slough Borough Council schools
Parents can now accept/decline places online by logging back into your E-Application and Accept or decline by: 16 March 2025.
Failure to respond by 16 March 2025 may result in the place being offered to another child. Please note: to accept a school place your child has been offered will:
- not affect your right to appeal against other preferences, which were not offered
- still allow your child to be on the waiting list for an alternative school.
Consortium Grammar Schools
To appeal for ANY of the Consortium Grammar Schools;
Langley Grammar School, St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School, Herschel Grammar School or Upton Court Grammar School please visit the individual schools website and follow the appeals process.
Baylis Court School, Wexham Secondary, Beechwood and Slough & Eton School
Appeal by going through the Slough Borough Council - find more information on the submit an appeal page.
Email to contact the Clerk to the Appeal Panel.
Appeals to be submitted by: 28 March 2025.
Ditton Park Academy
Please download an appeal form from the Ditton Park Academy website and send the completed appeal forms marked ‘Private and Confidential’ to: The Clerk to the Independent Appeal Panel, Ditton Park Academy, Kings Reach, Slough, Berkshire, SL3 7UX
For appeal enquiries, please contact the Ditton Park Academy.
Eden Girls’ School, Slough
To request an Appeal form please email the school on or call us on 01753 351010.
Please send completed appeal forms marked ‘Private and Confidential’ to:
Eden Girls’ School, Slough, 183-187 Bath Road, Slough, SL1 4AA
For appeal enquiries, please contact Eden Girls's School.
Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy
Please send the completed appeal forms to: Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy, Stoke Road, Slough, Berkshire
SL2 5AY. Tel: 01753 691583. Email:
For appeal enquiries, please contact the Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy.
St Joseph’s Catholic High School
To request an appeal forms please call or email the school.
Address: Shaggy Calf Lane, Slough, SL2 5HW.
Tel: 01753 524713
For appeal enquiries, please contact St Joseph's Catholic High School.
The Langley Academy
To request an appeal form, please contact the Academy on:- Tel: 01753 214485.
Please send completed appeal forms marked ‘Private and Confidential’ to: The Clerk to the Independent Appeal Panel, The Langley Academy, Langley Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL3 7EF.
Appeals to be submitted by: 2 April 2025 (appeals will be accepted after this date but may not be heard with on-time appeals).
The Westgate School
Please download an appeal form from the Westage School's website and send to the address stated on the form.
For appeal enquiries, please contact The Westgate School.
Buckinghamshire County Council
Please go to the Buckinghamshire County Council's how to make an appeal page.
To request an appeal form for the following, please contact the
school directly;
- The Aylesbury Vale Academy - 01296 428551
- The Chiltern Hills Academy - 01494 782066
- Dr Challoner’s Grammar School - please contact the clerk to the Appeal Panel at
- Dr Challoner’s High School - please contact the clerk to the
- Appeal Panel at
- Khalsa Secondary Academy - 01753 662009
- Waddesdon CE School - 01296 651382
London Borough of Hillingdon
Please send a letter directly to the school concerned. You can find school detals from the London Borough of Hillingdon website.
For specific enquiries please contact the call centre on 01895 556644
Reading Borough Council
Clerk to the Appeals Panel, Committee Services, Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LU. Tel: 0118 937 2532.
Schools appeals for Reading Borough Council.
Surrey County Council
For Community or Voluntary Controlled schools please go to Surrey County Council's school admission appeals webpage. Here you can check if they manage the appeals for you preferred school for foundation, voluntary aided and trust schools or academies and free schools.
Or you can call the school direct.
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM)
RBWM Church Aided Schools: please contact the schools direct.
The RBWM school admissions appeal page will give more information.