Pregnancy and smoking
One of the things you can do to give your child a healthy start in life is to protect your baby from tobacco smoke.
When you smoke your baby smokes with you. You are exposed to over 4000 toxins including, carbon monoxide and nicotine which will cross the placenta directly into your baby's blood stream. This reduces their oxygen and nourishment.
It can be difficult to stop smoking, but it's never too late to quit. When you give up, the harmful gases (like carbon monoxide) and other chemicals will soon clear from your body.
Reasons to stop smoking when pregnant
- You're doing the best thing for your baby's health.
- The chances of having a miscarriage or still birth are reduced.
- You'll minimise the risk of cot death (SIDS).
- Your baby is less likely to be born early (premature) or underweight.
- You help your baby in later life. Some people suffer from asthma and other serious illnesses if their mother smoked while pregnant.
- Your child(ren) are less likely to become a smoker/smokers.
If you smoke and are pregnant, or live in the same household as someone who is pregnant, now is the perfect time to quit.
Get specialist support to help quit smoking.
- Speak to your midwife.
- Contact the Stop Smoking Service for Pregnant Women on 0800 0614734 / 01753 373646.
- Complete a Health and Wellbeing Slough referral.
- Smoke free pregnancy advice from Frimley Health.
- NHS advice on smoking and your unborn baby.