Time to check you’re on the electoral register

A ballot box

All homes across the borough will be receiving a letter this week advising them on who is on the electoral register and eligible to vote in May’s elections.

All homes across the borough will be receiving a letter this week advising them on who is on the electoral register and eligible to vote in May’s elections. 

On 6 May, 2021, there will be elections in Slough to choose 14 seats on the council, the Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner and, for residents of Wexham Court, a by-election for seats on the parish council. 

The letter, from the council’s electoral services team, will list all those in the property who are on the register and is designed to prompt residents to check the details are correct or change them so the right details are there and ready for the upcoming elections. 

In the council elections there are 14 seats up for election – one in each ward of the borough other than Colnbrook with Poyle. 

To be eligible to vote in the May elections, residents need to be on the electoral register by 19 April.

Josie Wragg, chief executive of the council and returning officer for the election, said: “Our plans to ensure the elections are covid-safe are well advanced but please use these letters to check your details on the electoral register, apply for the register if you are not already on it and make sure you can vote in May.”

Published: 16 March 2021