Slough residents urged to do all they can to stop the spread of Coronavirus

Superintendent Gavin Wong, Slough Police

Thames Valley Police and Slough Borough Council are calling on the residents of Slough to do all they can to abide by the current lockdown restrictions.

Cases continue to be high in the area with the current rate standing at 1019 per 100,000 and we are asking people to abide by the restrictions to help Protect the NHS and Save Lives. 
Superintendent Gavin Wong, who is Local Policing Area Commander for Slough, said: “It is clear that the Coronavirus infection rate remains high. 
“I know that most of us have been making huge sacrifices to the way we live and the impact of Covid-19 is having an effect on everyone. 
“I also know that the majority of people are doing all they can and for this I am hugely grateful.  It is clear that we all have to contribute to the fight against this virus.
“My officers in Slough continue to work hard to protect the public and we will be carrying out increased patrols, and we have dedicated resources in place to help in the fight against Coronavirus. 
“We will continue to engage, encourage and explain the regulations as we need everyone in our communities to think of others by not gathering; only leaving your home when absolutely necessary and following the restrictions in place to help save lives.
“We have been battling this pandemic for coming up to a year, and people should realise what is required of them and what they need to do to protect others. 
“In light of this, if we see people blatantly ignoring the Coronavirus rules then they should expect to receive a fine, and if they continually seek to ignore the restrictions they can expect to face further fines or even arrest. 
“It is vital that we all play our part to continue to fight this indiscriminate virus and save people within our communities.
“We are working closely alongside our partner at Slough Borough Council and we appreciate all the work they are doing to make sure businesses are complying with the new Coronavirus regulations and their engagement with the public. 
“Hopefully this will be the final push for us all, please follow the restrictions and guidance in place to protect your family, friends and your neighbours.”
Slough Borough Council Chief Executive, Josie Wragg, added: “We continue to work closely with Slough Police and our health partners to do everything we can to protect Slough residents from the spread of this virus and I would urge everyone to play their part, to do their bit to protect themselves, their families and the community. 
“We have stepped up our enforcement programme where businesses are failing to abide by the regulations and we will continue to do so until this crisis is over. 
“With the opportunity for free rapid testing across the borough and the roll out of the vaccination programme being so strong in Slough, there is hope for the future. This is the final push and though the sacrifices we are all making are hard, only together can we protect our town and its residents.”

Published: 22 January 2021