Have you taken your Vitamin D today?

The council’s public health team has launched a new campaign to encourage residents to start taking a vitamin D supplement.

Public Health England and the NHS advise everyone takes 10 micrograms of vitamin D a day between October and early March as we don’t get enough vitamin D from natural sunlight. This is compounded by the pandemic and lockdown measures which have kept people inside more than normal, increasing the risk of vitamin D deficiency. Early indications suggest that vitamin D may be contributing towards the fight against coronavirus.

Taking vitamin D can also help improve your overall health, prevent your bones from weakening and strengthen your immune system to help prevent infection.

It’s especially important to take vitamin D if you are in any of these groups.

  • Adults and children from “at risk” groups and those clinically vulnerable to coronavirus. *
  • The elderly.
  • People who do not go outside.
  • Those with dark skin (especially residents with a Black Caribbean, Black African or South Asian ethnicity).
  • Pregnant women**.
  • Children up to the age of 4 years**.

*If you are clinically vulnerable to coronavirus then you can sign up for a free pack of vitamin D on the NHS website

**Vitamin D supplements available free (or at low cost) through the Healthy Start scheme to support healthy pregnancy and births - please ask your GP, midwife or health visitor or visit NHS Healthy start website

Cllr Natasa Pantelic, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “Evidence from Public Health England and the NHS show it is extremely important to make sure that you are taking a 10 microgram Vitamin D tablet from October to early March every year. As lockdown measures keep people inside this winter much more than usual, this is more important than ever. Vitamin D can strengthen your immune system which is of particular importance during this pandemic.”

Visit Public Health Slough website for more for more information.

Published: 21 January 2021