Destination Farnham Road update

An update on the Destination Farnham Road scheme, which aims to bring economic and environmental improvements to the area, will be discussed at a Cabinet meeting on Monday (20 May).

Residents, commuters and businesses were asked to share their views on designs for the scheme, which will be fully funded by a central government grant, in a consultation in December. 

The proposed Destination Farnham Road scheme is located on the northern side of the A4 Bath Road and covers the stretch of A355 Farnham Road from its junction with Cumberland Avenue to its junction with the A4 Bath Road, though most of the works are centred around the shops between Cumberland Avenue and Sheffield Road.

The report to Cabinet lays out all the feedback from the 481 responses, under the themes of road safety, public transport, public realm, traffic, public protection, parking, maintenance and street lighting.

It shows what has been changed based on the feedback, asks for agreement on the final preliminary drawings and approval to proceed to the next stage and get fit for construction drawings.

The Farnham Road proposals will now include:

  • upgrading and revising the phasing of traffic signals (including consolidating the number of traffic signals along the corridor)
  • pedestrian push button on all main junctions and Countdown facilities near the shops to help with safety
  • new zebra crossings at Northborough Road/Cumberland Avenue
  • new public realm materials from Gloucester Avenue to Hampshire Avenue
  • wider footways for Cafés and other food outlets to facilitate outside eating
  • the introduction of new parking enforcement/restrictions
  • bus stops and bus shelters to improve the customer experience
  • a 20mph zone between Sheffield Road and Essex Avenue
  • new electric vehicle charging points, and new cycle parking, in the main shopping area between Essex Avenue and Sheffield Road
  • planting/landscaping with sponsorship opportunities
  • upgrade of the “Rest Garden” at the junction of Sheffield Road
  • widened advisory cycle lanes, and further road improvements, along most of Sheffield Road
  • an off-road segregated cycleway
  • echelon parking bays to maximise the number of parking spaces
  • sustainable drainage
  • Furnival Avenue Cycle Street
  • street lighting upgrades.

These measures aim to improve the amenity, encourage those who work and live in the area to take pride in their community space and support the vitality of the shopping area through sustainable travel options.

Councillor Paul Kelly, lead member for housing, highways, planning and transport, said: “The volume of responses shows how passionate people in the area were about getting a scheme that works for them.

“Many of the concerns related to a potential loss of parking, but this will not happen, and it will increase from 73 to 79 spaces, including six disabled spaces.

“Once complete, the scheme will help to make cycling all inclusive, will help improve air quality along the route, will improve bus infrastructure, and will enhance the public realm for pedestrians. Overall, it will make Farnham Road a more attractive and functional space for all residents and businesses.” 

The council was awarded £9,292,149 in February last year, through the Levelling Up Fund Round 2, from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. It’s money specifically for this scheme, to support businesses and local communities.

The project links in with the council’s Corporate Improvement and Recovery Plan (2023-27), which includes supporting alternate modes of transport, reducing the negative impacts of travel in the borough and working towards a cleaner, healthier and more prosperous Slough. 

View the full Cabinet agenda.

Published: 14 May 2024