Applications for support through the Household Support Fund (HSF) can now be made up until the fund closes on 31 March 2024.
The council has been awarded £2,355,383 by the Department for Work and Pensions to help families, pensioners, unpaid carers, care leavers and disabled people, who may be struggling to pay for basic living costs.
The grant covers costs such as energy, food, water bills and essential goods, with most of the award given in goods or services by online vouchers. The Fund will also consider supporting households who are struggling to afford wider essentials, including housing costs where existing housing support does not meet this need.
A lot of the HSF funding will be used:
- to provide £15 food vouchers, per week per child, to households in receipt of Free School Meals during all school holidays, April 2023 – March 2024
- for the direct provision of support to care leavers and other vulnerable families.
The remaining funding, which runs until 31 March, or until all the funding is spent, will be provided through an application-based scheme to support families and individuals if they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applications are particularly welcomed from groups who didn’t receive any other government support packages.
Andy Jeffs, interim head of transactions, revenues, benefits and charges, said: “This funding is essential in supporting those most in need in the town. Last year we made 1,662 awards, which highlights the struggle for families during the cost-of-living crisis. The money is there to help people who have exhausted all other means of support for these basic needs.”
Criteria for the application-based scheme includes being over 16, having a settled residence in Slough, having a reduction in income, and not having savings that could be used.
Please check the criteria for the application scheme.
For more information and to find the online application form, visit the HSF webpage.
Applications close on 31 March 2024 or when all the funding is spent.