Following the government announcement on primary schools closing in London and other covid Tier 4 areas, Slough Borough Council has issued the following statement.
Government advice and direction is primary schools in Slough will be reopening this week as expected.
However, with covid case rates high locally and in our surrounding areas, concerns over covid safety of both children and staff, and many staff, families and children stricken with this virus, isolating or living with those who are vulnerable, schools will be making difficult decisions on how they can best operate in very testing circumstances.
As a council we strongly support our headteachers in any changes they feel they need to make to protect the operational viability of their school and so they can continue to provide the best service to children.
We have been in contact with our headteachers throughout the weekend and they are dedicated to finding the best solution for your children; no one knows their school, their staff, their families better than our headteachers and they have our support, operationally and morally.
We are aware some schools have already made the decision, that due to their individual circumstances they are unable to open and they will be contacting parents directly.
Councillor Martin Carter, lead member for children and schools, said: “We completely understand the turmoil parents are going through and we have requested an urgent meeting with the Department for Education to stress the need for consistent and transparent decision making around the opening of schools including the criteria they used to close schools in London but leave areas with high rates just outside the M25 open as usual.
“That decision has sown confusion across the board and left our schools in a very difficult position.
“However, one thing is clear; both we, and all our schools, want what is best for Slough children and any decisions will be made with the health and wellbeing of children at the forefront of schools’ minds.”
He added: “Parents of children who may be vulnerable will need to make individual decisions based on their own children and their own family circumstances. We understand this will be difficult, however we do ask any parent with concerns to speak to their child’s school to discuss safety measures in place before keeping their child at home when the school is open to them.”
The latest research shows though the new variant of covid is more infectious than the original strain it does not cause a more serious illness and children and young people are no more at risk of complications than with the original strain.
There are currently 28 primary schools in Slough, educating more than 15,000 children between the ages of six and 11.
Slough has five nursery schools, 28 primary schools, 14 secondary school, one all through school, two special schools and one pupil referral unit.
Across all age groups there are more than 45,000 children and young people in early years and education in the borough.
Current covid rates in Slough are 781.1 per 100,000 of the population. There were 252 new cases reported on 2 January (latest figures).
Slough Borough Council does not have the power to close a school. Only the schools themselves or the government can order the closure of a school or schools.