Schools in Slough are getting active by walking to school next week. The annual Living Streets campaign encourages children and parents to leave their cars at home and get active by walking.
Power Up! is this year’s theme for Walk to School Week, which runs from 16-20 May. #PowerUp is a campaign that engages pupils through video game-inspired design and encouraging them to travel sustainably to school every day of the week.
Each day will see a level unlocked and a new mission to complete, through which pupils will discover the incredible benefits of walking for individuals, communities, and the planet. Each pupil will be challenged to walk, cycle, scoot or park and stride to school every day for one week.
To find out more, visit the campaign page on the Living Streets website.
Parents and carers at Wexham Court Primary School are enjoying safer drop offs and pick ups outside the school gate as their School Street was made permanent on 29 April.
Navroop Mehat, Headteacher at Wexham Court Primary School, said: “The School Street closure has meant our children can safely and comfortably travel to and from school. Pupils come running in to school, they love it. Their parents let them walk part way to school because they know they are safe. After school, the pupils walk home with their friends and chat. We all chat after school without worrying about a car whizzing past. It is really very beautiful.
“Prior to the School Street, we had cars speeding past all the time. They parked-on driveways and blocked the view of pupils crossing. The whole experience was terrifying, which meant pupils did not walk to school as it was just too unsafe.”
School Streets limit motor vehicle access during drop-off and pick-up times, supporting active travel by making it safer for children and their families to walk, cycle and scoot to school. Wexham Court Primary School Street is operational from 8am to 9am and 3pm to 4pm term time only.
Councillor Christine Hulme, lead member for children’s services, lifelong learning and skills, said: “We are so pleased to hear the fantastic impact making the Wexham Court Primary School Street permanent has made. To get feedback that the children are getting more exercise when travelling to and from school and enjoying walking with their friends and families is priceless, all in a much safer environment.”
Residents and businesses who live and work on the School Street, as well as Blue Badge holders are exempt.