Young people across the town can share their views in the UK’s largest youth consultation.
The annual Make Your Mark ballot asks young people aged 11-18 across the country about the issues that matter most to them.
This year, seven issues will be presented to young people on a ballot paper and they vote for their top concern. The issues are:
- Covid Recovery
- Education and learning
- Environment
- Health and wellbeing
- Jobs, money, homes and opportunities
- Our rights and democracy
- Poverty
Young people vote in schools, colleges and youth groups throughout February and the top topic with the most votes will become the campaign that Members of Youth Parliament work on throughout their two-year term.
In 2020, more than 185,000 votes determined three campaigns which were: stop plastic pollution, mental health and transforming education.
For the first time, Make Your Mark and Slough Youth Parliament elections are running at the same time, from 1 - 28 February.
Councillor Christine Hulme, lead member for children’s services, lifelong learning and skills, said: “Our young people are passionate and engaged and have some great ideas. Being able to have their say on which campaigns should be a focus is brilliant. I hope everyone who can vote takes the opportunity to do so.”
If you are a young person aged 11-18, you can register to vote online.
You can watch information videos about the seven topics.
Results will be announced at an event in March, when the new parliament term will begin and manifesto set based on Make Your Mark results.
Slough Youth Parliament is supported by Slough Borough Council’s Young People’s Service.
For more information on Slough’s Youth Voice initiatives, email