The Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan was adopted by cabinet shortly before the Christmas break.
The Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan provides a detailed analysis of how Slough will meet its commitment to becoming a carbon neutral borough, stopping its contribution to climate change. The council has set a target of borough-wide carbon neutrality by 2040, with an ambitious stretch target of 2030. This was outlined in Slough’s Climate Change strategy vision in June 2021. This target complies with the UK’s national target of net zero emissions by 2050 and a reduction of 78% of emissions by 2035, relative to 1990.
The report proposes a range of actions that addresses carbon emissions from sources such as the built environment, transport, and waste. In addition to carbon emission savings, each action proposed identifies additional social, environmental, or economic benefits. For example, reducing carbon emissions from transport can improve local air quality benefiting the health of residents, and enhancing green spaces with tree planting supports biodiversity.
The report also details how Slough will adapt to the risks posed by climate change. Slough is at risk of high temperatures, flooding and water shortages and actions are provided which can reduce these risks. For example, to reduce high temperatures, buildings can be designed to support cooling and limit overheating, and planting of vegetation around rivers absorbs water, reducing the flood risk.
The strategy is an ambitious one to deliver and will require working with businesses in the borough as well as working with and supporting residents.
Cllr Martin Carter, cabinet member for Housing & Environment said: “Climate Change is such an important issue for us all, this Strategy and Action Plan will help us achieve our commitment to becoming a carbon neutral borough by 2040. We will be working with partners, businesses, and residents throughout the time period to make sure we reach our goal. A big thank you to the officers who worked so hard on this complex issue.”