Library consultation – one month in

A collage of photos of Slough's 4 libraries - Britwell, The Curve, Cippenham and Langely, with the Slough Libraries logo in the middle

The council’s consultation into the future provision of library services is running until 20 January.

This consultation is now closed. There is a newer library consultation now running - check out the Consultation on Proposed library changes - closes February 2025.

In the first four weeks of the consultation, there have been more than 1,600 responses, the majority of whom are library users. 

We are consulting with Slough residents to help us understand how our library services are used (or why they are not) and what services residents want us to continue to offer in the future. It is really important we use the budget we have to deliver library services that people really want and need. 

One of the questions in the consultation survey is asking both library and non-library users to prioritise their preferences from a list of five options. 

  • Reduce the money available to spend on buying publications (both hard copy and eResources).
  • Keep all the main library buildings open but reduce the opening and staffed hours at Langley and Cippenham and reduce the staffed hours at The Curve and Britwell libraries.
  • Keep all library buildings but reduce the hours they are open, the hours they are staffed, and the space dedicated to the library.  Attract other users to rent space in the building (co-location).  
  • Move all library services out of the current main library buildings and re-locate services to be delivered from a range of other locations across the borough. 
  • Close both Langley and Cippenham library buildings but maintain the staffing and opening hours at The Curve library and at Britwell library.  

To spread the word about the consultation and encourage people to fill in the survey, the library team are having talks at community events and meetings and also hosting drop-ins at Slough’s libraries and online. 

The council has also created a video to give a brief overview of the consultation and the options. View the library consultation video.

Councillor Christine Hulme, lead member for children’s services, lifelong learning and skills, said: “We are really pleased with the response rate in the first month, but we want even more people to have their say. The best way to have any impact is to play your part and have your say when the option is given to you. 

“The video is a great way to see a summary of the consultation and how to find out more and fill in the consultation. It’s worth a watch and I would encourage everyone who hasn’t yet filled in the survey to please do so. We want to know what options you prefer.”

One of the questions being asked is about online services and some responses show people didn’t realise you could access library services online. There is a range of e-Books, magazines and newspapers available with a library membership. 

The consultation is open until 20 January so there is still time to make your views known. 

The following library drop-in sessions are planned, where you can ask the library team questions, share comments, and get help to fill in the online survey. 

  • Saturday 11 December, 12noon-3pm – Cippenham Library 
  • Thursday 16 December, 11am-2pm – Langley Library 
  • Friday 7 January, 11am-2pm – Britwell Library 
  • Monday 10 January, 1.30-4.30pm – The Curve 

The next online session is on:

  • Wednesday 8 December, 6.30-7.30pm – Zoom 

To register for the online session, read the consultation pack and find the link to the survey, visit the consultation webpage. 

Any queries can be sent to  

Published: 30 November 2021