Britwell and Northborough consultation

Residents are invited to have their say in a consultation about future services in Britwell and Northborough.

The survey, which is live now until 5pm on Tuesday 30 November, is part of the council’s plans to develop strong, healthy and attractive neighbourhoods.

The redeveloped Britwell Community Centre and library is scheduled to be completed early next year. The proposed redevelopment will look to house a new GP and Health Surgery in the new centre allowing a range of services to be delivered from one location.

Some of the topics in the survey include Covid-19 Impact, the health and wellbeing of residents and the local area.

The results will identify key issues, concerns and areas for opportunity and improvement.

Councillor Sabia Akram, lead member for leisure, culture and communities, said: “The people living in these areas day to day know what is most important to them and what services they value. Housing health services alongside our community centre and library makes best use of our building and means residents can do more in one visit. 

“I would encourage Britwell and Northborough residents to fill in the short survey to make their views known.”

The council is working in partnership with Britwell Parish Council, Public Health Slough, East Berkshire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) health partners and One Slough to create strong neighbourhoods.

The survey is available online.

Paper copies can be collected and returned to the following locations.

  • Britwell Library, Wentworth Avenue, SL2 2DH
  • Children’s Centre, Monksfield Way, SL21QX

For help filling in the survey, please call 07523 935995 from Monday to Friday between 9.30am-4pm. For more information on the Creating Stronger Neighbourhoods initiative, please email or call Aqeel Akram (Community Development Officer) on the number above.

Published: 18 October 2021