The keys to the newly built Chalvey Community Hub have been handed over by the construction company to the council before it opens in the New Year.
The keys to the newly built Chalvey Community Hub have been handed over by the construction company to the council before it opens in the New Year.
The hub is part of a new development on Chalvey High Street which includes a new primary school.
Run by the council the hub will provide some services in the heart of the Chalvey community including appointment based face-to-face meetings.
Meeting rooms will be available for use by ward councillors as well as training rooms, kitchen and IT facilities for the community and voluntary sector. There is also work space for council employees.
There is also space for Chalvey Nursey School, which opened earlier this month, with its own secure entrance and play area which is a bright, modern and spacious facility for young children Chalvey Nursery School is a mainstream nursery offering 60 places per session to the local community.
Tony Madden, the council’s principle asset manager, and Leo Yousef, the council’s buildings and projects manager, have worked on the project and both said the new facilities look fantastic and will be appreciated by the local community.
Cllr Sabia Akram, deputy leader and cabinet member for governance and customer services, said: “This will be a great community asset where we can deliver services on the doorstep for residents of Chalvey. “Not only that, but the space is versatile and can be used by community groups, ward councillors and the children at the nursey will have a wonderful light bright, brand new space to start theirlearning journey.”
Cllr James Swindlehurst, leader of the council and lead for regeneration and strategy, said: “The new Chalvey Hub, early years centre, and academy school are the latest steps in the Chalvey Regeneration Programme, the council and its partners have been working to deliver for the past a number of years now. “It is part of a series of projects that have included the Old Town Hall’s conversion into a primary school, new homes on the former petrol station site in Chalvey Road East and at the former Cross Keys Pub site, the redevelopment of the Ice Arena, new council homes at Turton Way and on the site of Tower and Ashbourne Houses - and which will shortly culminate in the complete redevelopment of the former Montem Leisure Centre site.
“It’s great to see these projects moving to a successful conclusion.”
***Please note the image was taken before the November lockdown***