
Responsible Authorities

When an application is made to the licensing authority for the grant, variation or review of a premise licence or club premise certificate, a copy must also be sent to the responsible authorities:

They make representations to the licensing authority if they feel the application does not promote any or all of the four licensing objectives:

  • prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm.

Any other persons

The Licensing Act allows any other persons, (any individual, body or business) to make a representation. The representations to licensing authorities can either support or object to an application for the grant, variation, minor variation or review of premises licences and club premises certificates, regardless of the representative's geographic proximity to the premises.

Current applications

Any applications listed below are subject to the 28 day consultation period and only contain brief details. Contact the licensing team if you require further information.

Current Review Notices

Any premises subject to a 28 day review will appear here. Contact the licensing team if you require further information or to make representation.

  • There are no current notices.

How to make a representation

Any interested party who wish to make a representation should contact the licensing team.

Contact Licensing

Contact the licensing team