Petroleum storage certificates

Storage for dispensing premises

In Line with the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 we represent the Petroleum Enforcement Authority that can grant a Petroleum Storage Certificate (PSC) in respect of dispensing premises.

A storage certificate will have the following information:

  • the name of the petroleum enforcement authority granting the certificate
  • the address of the dispensing premises in respect of which the certificate is granted
  • a drawing of the layout of the dispensing premises
  • a drawing of the containment system for petrol at the dispensing premises, including storage tanks and pipe work
  • a drawing of the drainage system for petrol at the dispensing premises.

A storage certificate is not personal to the person it is granted to and remains valid on transfer of ownership, operation or management of the dispensing premises.

A storage certificate remains valid for so long as:

  • there is no prescribed material change; and
  • the dispensing premises do not cease to be used for the keeping of petrol for a continuous period exceeding 12 months.

You must contact the Environmental Quality Team at, if you:

  • think of storing petrol for the first time
  • store petrol, but do not currently have a PSC
  • intend to open a new or re-open a redundant petrol filling station (PFS), as there are strict requirements on the design and construction of PFS.