Hackney carriage driver and vehicle

Fees and payments

Hackney carriage drivers licence fees

  • Renewal (1 Year): £286
  • New application (3 Year): £375
  • Renewal (3 Year): £330
  • Replacement (badge) lost: £17
  • Copy of paper licence: £17
  • Hackney carriage knowledge test: £45

Apply for hackney carriage grant or renewal of driver

Pay for a Drivers Licence (Hackney Carriage/Combined) Grant, Renewal.

For the fees for a Drivers Combination licence, please visit the fees for combination drivers badge page.

Hackney carriage vehicle licence fees

  • New application: £300- please note we do not accept new applicants due to a limit in place
  • Renewal application: £250
  • Transfer: £90
  • Change of vehicle: £300
  • Copy of paper licence: £17
  • Replacement plate: £26
  • Copy of certificate of compliance: £17

Apply to renew Hackney Carriage Vehicle

Pay for a Vehicle Licence (Hackney Carriage) Grant, Renewal.

Please note if you have changed your name or address or both, you will need to inform us of your updated details. Email licensing@slough.gov.uk to be sent a copy of the form. You will also need to provide copies of certain documents

New style of plates

From 1 January 2023 we changed the style of our plates. When you need to renew your plate, we will issue you with the new style plate. They are made from vinyl and stick on the rear of a vehicle. You will need to make sure the area you place the plate on is clean and dry. This change is to:

  • keep the costs down to you and 
  • has less environmental impact.

You do not need any of the other holders or brackets from your previous plate. Please note, this plate must be stuck to the outside rear of your vehicle.  The failure to display, the use of other brackets or fixtures may result to points being issued to your licence.