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Wondering whether Slough Libraries has the book you want?

Head to our Library catalogue  and you can do a quick search or an advanced search!

In advanced search you can separate out and search by title, author or other information.

What is SELMS?

If you don't find the book you want on the catalogue you might find it suggests you search SELMS .

SELMS stands for South East Library Management Systems. Searching SELMS means that you get to search and check what books are available in a range of other libraries outside of Slough who have an agreement with us. These libraries include Bucks Libraries, Windsor and Maidenhead Libraries, Reading Libraries, Kent Libraries and lots more. You can reserve items from a library outside Slough via SELMS for a slightly higher cost - £3.

You can also use your library card for Slough in any of the libraries in SELMS!