Street naming and numbering

The council is the street naming and numbering authority for the area. We carry out these functions under the provisions of the Public Health Act 1925, sections 17–19.

This information is stored on the Local Land and Property Gazetteer and the National Land and Property Gazetteer.

Requesting street names and numbers

To request street names and numbering you need to provide local land charges with the following:

  • a site layout plan ideally in an electronic format. This should clearly indicate the plot numbers and the extent of each separate dwelling, office or business unit. Include the pedestrian and vehicular access, plus the level information if it is a multiple occupancy building
  • a site location plan highlighting the location of the development
  • proposals for the street name(s)/property names if relevant. We hold a list of pre-approved names.

We have to consult with Royal Mail so the street naming and numbering process can take up to 10 working days.

Please note that street naming and numbering for new developments can only be completed subject to approved planning.

This service is subject to charges. You can view charges on the next page. 

For more information, call local land charges or email 0350SN&

Renaming and renumbering streets

The council has the power to rename and renumber streets. Generally, we will only do this if: 

  • there is confusion about street numbers or the name
  • confusion is delaying the emergency services

In these cases, Royal Mail, local residents, the local councillor, and the emergency services will be consulted.

Street naming and numbering - related links